Cyrus Benard

Cyrus Benard

Agency And Employment

Agency And Employment Agency And Employment, In this assignment, you will explore Agency and Employment by referring to a reputable news source such as The Wall Street Journal. Follow these steps: Source Selection: Choose a recent article related to Agency and Employment from The Wall Street…

Business Risks Of UST

Business Risks Of UST 1) Business Risks from a Bondholder’s Perspective: From a bondholder’s viewpoint, UST faces risks primarily in the areas of product demand, regulatory concerns, and potential declines in market share. UST operates in a niche market with…

Employment Discrimination

Employment Discrimination Employment Discrimination, Research a real-world employment discrimination case based on race, gender, age, disability, religion, or other protected characteristics. Consider cases from recent news, legal databases, or advocacy organizations. Choose a case that interests you and offers diverse perspectives for discussion. Develop a multimedia presentation. Integrate various media formats: Include text to provide…

Patient Evaluation & Management Plan


Patient Evaluation & Management Plan Patient Evaluation & Management Plan, The nurse practitioner (NP) is working at a health clinic in a homeless shelter during the early evening. A 48-year-old African American man approaches the practitioner and asks to have…

Culture Ethnicity And Diversity

Man in White V-neck T-shirt and Black Pants

Culture Ethnicity And Diversity The purpose of this assignment is to think critically about how biases and stereotypes are formed. Using the Killing Us Softly Worksheet, complete the following: Connecting Concepts: Describe the effects of culture, ethnicity, and diversity on…

Media Portrayal of Recent Deaths

Closeup Photo of Woman With Brown Coat and Gray Top

Media Portrayal of Recent Deaths Media Portrayal of Recent Deaths, Research and identify two recent events where death was displayed in the media. These events should involve individuals at different life stages, such as elder death and child death. •…

Linguistic And Cultural Competence

Closeup Photo of Woman With Brown Coat and Gray Top

Linguistic And Cultural Competence Linguistic And Cultural Competence, Analyze the position statement from the International Council of  Nurses – B. #1 Cultural and Linguistic Competence. This position statement is the foundation for this project. Address the following: Present the Position Statement.…

Integrative Holistic Caring Environments

Woman Wearing Blue Shawl Lapel Suit Jacket

Integrative Holistic Caring Environments Integrative Holistic Caring Environments, NUR3738CBE Section 01CBE Integrative Nursing (11 Weeks) – CBE Online Course – 2024 Fall Quarter Deliverable 05 – Create an Integrative, Holistic, Caring Environment Top of Form Bottom of Form Assignment Content…

Nursing Informatics

Financial Management In HealthCare

Nursing Informatics Nursing Informatics, NUR3472CBE Section 01CBE Emerging Healthcare Technologies and Innovation (11 Weeks) – CBE Online Course – 2024 Fall Quarter Deliverable 5 – Nursing Informatics Scope of Practice Top of Form Bottom of Form Assignment Content Top of…

Theory Response

Standardized Assessments

Theory Response Theory Response, The purpose of the theory response is to demonstrate an academic and real-world knowledge of a specific theoretical construct from the course. The Theory Response has 5 parts: 1) State and define the theory chosen for…