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Health Impact Pyramid Framework
Health Impact Pyramid Framework, You will report on a global health issue in your chosen area. Using the Health Impact Pyramid Framework you will analyze the situations that affect your outcomes. You will also discuss nursing’s role(s) and potential for impact on your topic. MY TOPIC IS CANCER Instructions You build on the topic using each week’s assignment (discussion boards and papers) perform your research each week based on the topic, apply it to the assignments, and ultimately to your final paper use each week’s assignment as a building block toward your final paper Week 1: Select a global health issue from the list of topics and a global region (not the United States) and submit it to your instructor for approval by the end of week 1 via the assignment tool link. APA.
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Health Impact Pyramid Framework
Week 3: Submit an outline of your paper to your instructor with the finalized topic for input (required). Week 6: Culture & Health Beliefs are covered in week 6. You will need to include the impact of culture and health beliefs as they relate to your topic in your HIP Framework Paper. Discuss the professional opportunities available in the global health field. Review some of the many different pathways for a nurse to have a career in global health. Format & Grading The paper is expected to be between 5-10 pages in length, excluding the title page or reference page(s). APA 7 format for student papers and must adhere to the following components:
Health Impact Pyramid Framework
Title page
Health Impact Framework/Research Paper Chosen Topic Student Name Delaware Technical Community College Instructor Name Date Introduction of the chosen topic (with evidence): Provide a comprehensive introduction to the topic (you do not need an abstract). Please remember this is a World Health paper, not a pathophysiology paper. All citations must be in APA 7 format. Application of the chosen topic to the Health Impact Pyramid (Frieden, 2010):Using the Health Impact Pyramid (HIP) as a framework to guide your writing (see the pre-assignment reading requirement and chart p.4 attached), provide an analysis of your topic within the context of the following tiers of the HIP:
Health Impact Pyramid Framework
Socioeconomic Factors Changing the Context to Make Individuals’ Default Decisions Healthy Long-Lasting Protective Interventions Clinical Interventions Counseling and Education (include the role of the nurse as well as health behavior change theory) Recommended future interventions to address the topic (can include your ideas or leading experts in the field) Provide a brief introduction to the itself so that your reader(s) understand the framework upon which you are addressing the issue. Culture and health beliefs are covered in week 6. You will need to include the impact of culture and health beliefs as they relate to your topic in your HIP Framework Paper. Discuss the professional opportunities available in the global health field. Review some of the many different pathways for a nurse to have a career in global health.