Collection and Analysis In Healthcare

Collection and Analysis In Healthcare

Collection and Analysis In Healthcare, Health care has become a data-driven industry that practices evidence-based decision making. Whether the issue is clinical or financial, health care leaders are expected to analyze problems using logic, established tools, and data. Effective leaders engage team members in the problem resolution process, and encourage a wide variety of perspectives. Once the problem is clearly defined, the health care leader is charged with selecting an appropriate, established framework or tool with which to analyze the problem. Research, critical thinking, and team collaboration are important facets of problem solving. APA.

Collection and Analysis In Healthcare

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Collection and Analysis In Healthcare

In this assignment you will have an opportunity to reflect upon the industry and organizational contexts before engaging in application of a tool for problem analysis. You will consider the organization’s setting with respect to level of care, mission, strategy, operations, and culture. Additionally, you will think critically about legal, regulatory, ethical, and risk management operational issues that relate to the selected problem.

Submission Requirements Application of a tool for problem analysis that is accompanied by a minimum of two visual data displays, a short summary of observations, and evidence-based recommendations. This will vary significantly depending on your project; however, a few examples include:

Collection and Analysis In Healthcare

Cost Benefit Analysis: Excel spreadsheet, converted into 2–3 graphs. Compliance Assessment: 3 major Criteria converted into 3 separate pie charts. Lean Analysis: The percent of variance by major factor converted into 2–3 trend lines. In addition to the above: Identify the model or tool for analysis of the selected problem, and provide rationale. Analyze and compare data relative to internal and external benchmarks. Construct evidence-based recommendations that include ethical, legal, regulatory, and organizational standards. Include the raw data in a readable format in a Word document or spreadsheet with appropriate categories, titles, and labels. Construct evidence-based recommendations that include ethical, legal, regulatory, and organizational standards. Include the raw data in a readable format in a Word document or spreadsheet with appropriate categories, titles, and labels.

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