Ethical Dilemma

Ethical Dilemma


Ethical Dilemma, Why do I want you to do it? What do I want you to do? Write at least 500 words about one of the scenarios below. Write your assignment using APA format. Refer to the Dos and Don’t of Academic Writing before submitting your assignment. How do I want you to do it? Read the following scenarios carefully: Scenario : You work at a clinic that has adult and pediatric patients. Your best friend brings her 16 year-old in for a physical. After the visit, you are processing notes for the visit and see that the 16 year-old admitted to the doctor that they are drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana. APA.

Ethical Dilemma

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Ethical Dilemma

When you see your best friend the following weekend, she mentions that she is worried about her 16 year-old. What do you do? Answer the following questions. Each question (1-5) should take approximately one paragraph to answer. Use information from the textbook and other course resources. Make sure to provide citations and reference entries for all of your resources. You may use first person in this assignment because you are being asked about your choices.

Identify the ethical concerns this scenario presents.

Define and explain the basic ethical principles in healthcare: autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, veracity, confidentiality, and fidelity.

Ethical Dilemma

Apply each of the basic ethical principles to the scenario you chose. Consider the potential conflicts that might arise between the principles.

Share the course of action you chose for the scenario.

What are you going to do when faced with this situation?

Provide evidence from the textbook and other resources to defend your choice. What to include in your submission

Your assignment submission should include:

Your APA formatted assignment that answers all five questions. A title page and a references page.

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