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Digital Culture
To analyze characteristics of emerging digital culture.
Digital Culture, Social media refers to digital applications that enable users to create, share, and exchange content and information. Examples of social media include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Pinterest. While online chatrooms, bulletin boards, and other types of online forums have been around since the early days of the internet, it was not until the mid-2000s that social media became widespread. APA.
The advent of social media has had a profound impact on society. Social media has brought people closer together, enabling them to communicate and connect regardless of distance or time zone. It has also given individuals and groups a powerful platform to express themselves, share their ideas, and engage in debates and discussions on a variety of issues.
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Digital Culture
However, one of the most significant concerns about the rise of social media is the spread of misinformation and fake news, which can have serious consequences for public health, democracy, and social cohesion. There have been numerous studies looking at the link between social media and mental health problems, particularly among those who spend excessive time on various platforms. Another concern is online privacy, as media companies collect massive amounts of user data.
After reviewing the Week 8 Learning Resources, reply to this post with a comprehensive response that explains your answers to the following questions:
Digital Culture
Relate your answers to your own use of social media wherever you can.
Complete your response by connecting your ideas to the course content that you were asked to read and use American Psychological Association-style in-text citations and end-of-text references. If you are unfamiliar with that reference style, you can find examples in our library as APA 7th Edition Citation Examples: General Rules.
very Important: Use the attach resources