Man Standing In Front Of People

Global Nursing Profession Issues

Global Nursing Profession Issues

National And Global Nursing Profession Issues

Global Nursing Profession Issues, What issues are affecting healthcare? How do these issues affect you, your practice, and/or your organization? How do these issues affect your patients?

Throughout this course you have identified and supported an advocacy priority, focusing specifically on how best to move the agenda forward. Now is your opportunity to explore a specific issue affecting the nursing profession in the United States and a global health issue. Nurses hold a front row seat to what is happening in healthcare. Nurses can see what is working and what is not working in the field on a daily basis. While it can be easy to focus specifically on our own practice and organization, healthcare is a global practice. And considering the impact of global initiatives, policy issues affecting nurses on a global scale can help us to better understand, remedy, connect, and even prepare for current or potential national issues. APA.

Global Nursing Profession Issues

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Global Nursing Profession Issues

For this Discussion, consider what you have learned thus far about the political and social determinants of health and healthcare policy and advocacy. Identify a nursing issue that many impact you. What can be done about this issue? Who is impacted by this issue? How might policy remedy this issue?

To Prepare:

  • Review resources about nursing profession issues in the United States. Look specifically at the NLN and ANA website resources.
  • Review the global issues explored by the International Council of Nurses.
  • Consider a nursing issue that may impact you.
  • Consider what might be done about this issue.

Global Nursing Profession Issues

THE ASSIGNMENT [1.5 pages]

Select a nursing profession issue happening in the United States or a global health issue.

Post a response detailing the following:

  • Provide a clear and detailed description of the nursing profession issue.
  • Explain how you might be impacted by this issue.
  • Explore how this issue might be addressed and/or remedied through policy.
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