portrait, woman, adult

Euro Disney

Euro Disney

Instructions Assignment questions:

1) Euro Disney, Assess the pros and cons of Disney’s decision to build a theme park in Europe. Do you think it was a wise decision to invest in constructing a new park near Paris? (2 pages at least) (20 points)

2) What is Euro Disney’s target market, and what are the implications for the development and organization of the park? (1 page at least) (20 points)

3) What aspects of the traditional Disney theme park formula, in terms of park design and service design (the basic product), might prove to be transferable to Euro Disney, and which might prove to be specific to the United States, France and/or Japan? (1 page at least) (20 points). APA.

Euro Disney

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Euro Disney

4) Assess the implementation of Euro Disney’s service delivery system. What could the company have done differently? (1 page) (15 points) 5) Should Euro Disney proceed with the next step of development? (half a page is sufficient) (half a page is sufficient) (10 points)

6) What lessons has Euro Disney learned which could be applied to the development of second theme ? Should the park be adapted for the local market from the United States model, and if so, in what ways? What recommendations would you make regarding staffing, training, and general management? (1 page) (15 points)

Euro Disney

Your analysis must address all the questions given above. Case should be analyzed solely on the basis of the information given in the case. You should not research additional sources for more information on the case. In addition, your recommendations for the case question(s) should not consider events that occurred after the end of the case.

The length of your analysis should be 6-8 pages long in a narrative format, double-spaced, answers and pages numbered, (excluding any tables and exhibits). You should not simply repeat material and facts from the cases. You may use tables, exhibits and number crunching (where applicable) to support your analysis. Your recommendations and analysis of the issues raised by the case questions should be supported by strong, clear and coherent arguments. Many times there are no right answers to the questions, only good/bad arguments supporting recommendations.

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