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AACNs The Essentials

AACNs The Essentials

Review this week’s Learning Resources, paying special attention to the following: AACN’s The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education Walden University’s vision, mission, social change outcomes, and SDoH framework Reflect on your personal, academic, and professional goals and consider how they align with: AACN’s The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education Walden University’s vision, mission, social change outcomes, and SDoH framework Consider how you will incorporate a commitment to social change into your program of study and professional practice. APA.

AACNs The Essentials

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AACNs The Essentials

The Assignment: Explain how your personal, academic, and professional goals align with Walden University’s vision, mission, social change outcomes, and SDoH framework. Be specific and provide examples. Explain how your personal, academic, and professional goals align with AACN’s The Essentials. Explain how you plan to incorporate a commitment to social change into your program of study and professional practice. Note: Use this week’s Learning Resources to support your Assignment. Use proper APA format and style for all references and citations. The College of Nursing requires that all papers include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. Use the College of Nursing Writing TemplateLinks to an external site. for your Assignment submission.

AACNs The Essentials

Review this week’s Learning Resources, paying special attention to the following: AACN’s The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education Walden University’s vision, mission, social change outcomes, and SDoH framework Reflect on your personal, academic, and professional goals and consider how they align with:  Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education Walden University’s vision, mission, social change outcomes, and SDoH framework Consider how you will incorporate a commitment to social change into your program of study and professional practice. The Assignment: Explain how your personal, academic, and professional goals align with Walden University’s vision, mission, social change outcomes, and SDoH framework. Be specific and provide examples. Explain how your personal, academic, and professional goals align with.

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