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Research question: What is the status, including the causes and consequences, of economic inequality where you are from?
● Research methods
○ Grounded in theories( See attachments for class slides and syllabus)
○ Gathering secondary empirical data from published sources
○ Presenting descriptive analytic claims as findings
○ Also, acknowledging limitations
● Format : 9 page written document (12 point font, double spaced, 1” margins, images and tables in appendices)
QUESTION: What is the status, including the causes and consequences, of economic inequality where you are from?
Discuss (using global databases on the syllabus…)
* Your sense of historical and current economic trends. APA.
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■ What’s the Gini coefficient in terms of income and wealth in that geographical location?
■ What are the demographics, and how do wealth and income correlate with those aspects of identity?
■ How have these changed over time?
■ What are the sectors, industries & businesses that create economic value and offer employment?
■ What economic policies shape those sectors?
Choose 2-3 of the predicted theoretical relationships – between inequality and growth, human development or governance – and try to make sense of how that relationship plays out where you’re from
○ In reference to the economics in the region
○ In reference to education and public health systems in the region
○ In reference to the political systems in the region ●
Try to find some empirical evidence that supports or contradicts the theory
Formulate an analytical claim about the impacts of inequality where you’re from
Client’s Notes
Its an assignment on economic inequality in Pre and Post revolution Iran (1960-1990). How the economic inequality of the country helped lead some way to the revolution and and how economic inequality increased post revolution. Write the assignment from my perspective : my family are Jews who fled Iran during the revolution. How the economic inequality of the country helped lead some way to the revolution and and how economic inequality increased post revolution.