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Hostage Situation Dynamics

Hostage Situation Dynamics

Hostage Situation Dynamics, Instructions Scenario: You are a police psychologist for a major metropolitan area. You are also a member of its hostage negotiation team. You have been called to a crisis incident at 3:15 p.m. on a Friday. It is in a residential area about three blocks from a middle school and a public library. The information you have at this time is that the subject is a 42-year-old male holed up in his house with his wife, son, and a family friend. He has murdered his next-door neighbor and is threatening to kill those in the house if his demands are not met. APA.

Hostage Situation Dynamics

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Hostage Situation Dynamics

One of his demands is for immunity from the murder charge if he surrenders without harming any of the people in the house. His other demands are a case of beer and some fast food soon. He wants his demands met, or “something will happen.” Your paper must address the following topics: Explain the type of incident, which category this hostage taker falls into, and what your optimal role is in the situation. Include in your paper statistical information around the likelihood of a successful hostage negotiation given the information provided and the length of time that the situation persists. For example, after a one-hour standoff, what is the likelihood (in percentages) that the negotiation will end successfully? After 4 hours? After 8 hours? How does the likelihood of a successful negotiation change over the course of time?

Hostage Situation Dynamics

Based on your knowledge, develop a plan and a course of action for interacting with this person and resolving this situation. What precautions will you and the department take? What tertiary problems do you foresee in the case of a prolonged standoff, and how would you address them?How does the likelihood of a successful negotiation change over the course of time? Based on your knowledge, develop a plan and a course of action for interacting with this person and resolving this situation. What precautions will you and the department take? What tertiary problems do you foresee in the case of a prolonged standoff, and how would you address them?

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