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Accounting and Financial Statements
Sometimes you have to look beyond what is presented to question what is reported or provided in an opinion. Numbers can be misleading, and you should learn to question assumptions regarding the numbers presented. This will in turn provide you with greater insight into the realities of the situation. APA.
Discussion Topic: Case Study
Please read the Harvard Case Study: “eBay Inc.: Internet Success or Fairy Tale?” by David F. Hawkins and Jacob Cohen. This case study can be found in the Harvard Case Study website. This link is in your Syllabus.
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Accounting and Financial Statements
This will take you to an “Authorized Student register/log-in” page. If this is your first course pack purchase, you need to register on the site to create a username and password. If you have previously purchased a coursepack, log in with your existing username and password. Follow the prompts to login and purchase the coursepack.
Please answer the following questions about the case study:
Accounting and Financial Statements
This will take you to an “Authorized Student register/log-in” page. If this is your first course pack purchase, you need to register on the site to create a username and password. If you have previously purchased a coursepack, log in with your existing username and password. Follow the prompts to login and purchase the coursepack.
Please answer the following questions about the case study: