proposal for a mentoring or coaching scheme

proposal for a mentoring or coaching scheme

Choose an organisation with which you are familiar. Your chosen organisation has employed you as a consultant. Your brief is to write a 2,000 word proposal for a mentoring or coaching scheme. You have to decide the scope and purpose of the scheme and whether it has an Internal focus only or is an executive mentoring or coaching scheme involving consultants and/or managers from other organizations’. APA.

proposal for a mentoring or coaching scheme

Check tips on how to do your Homework

You should include detailed information on the design of the scheme as an appendix and also use the appendices for any supplementary information. You may find it helpful to review the appendices in Brockbank and McGill (2012), You should ensure that the design is as comprehensive as possible, for example: purpose and goals of the scheme, how mentors or coaches will be identified and matched with protégés, what supervision of the mentors or coaches will be required, what training will be provided (mentors, coaches and protégés), timescales, how the scheme’s impact on individual and organisational effectiveness will be evaluated, the need for ethical standards etc.

proposal for a mentoring or coaching scheme

proposal for a mentoring or coaching scheme

The main body of the proposal should focus on the rationale for your design. You should explain how the design reflects the application of relevant theory (e.g. mentoring or coaching models, positive psychology, humanist psychology, theories of learning, including reflective learning etc). Consequently, you will need to apply theory from across the module to support your argumentation In the proposal.

Learning outcomes

Critically debate and discuss the characteristics of psychological theories and concepts which Inform and underpin the design and use of mentoring and coaching in organisations

Design and implement mentoring and coaching based strategies for organisational use accounting for a variety of contextual factors

Critically examine the significance of acting in an ethical and professional manner when designing and delivering mentoring and coaching based interventions in organisations

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